What is Pecha Kucha you ask? The words are Japanese for 'chit chat' and it has a very specific format. Twenty slides of a Powerpoint presentation with only twenty seconds per slide. Total talk time, 6 mins and 40 secs to get your point across. What an awesome way to give a speech, which comes with the challenge of timing your talk for each slide.
I was one of ten speakers and we all encouraged and supported each other to deliver two very entertaining nights about the arts for the Southland Festival of the Arts. There were filmmakers, actors, poets, artists, an international designer of Pacific Couture and some very entertaining talks about books.
I know that I had enormous fun and would certainly consider doing it again. Having that structure and strict format was brilliant and would help the most nervous of speakers to deliver a presentation. If you would like to learn more there is all the information here Pecha Kucha 20 x 20